Fireballs v Netcen Nutters

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Date Thu 28th Jul 2005
Pitch 3
Type Played Match
Stage round2
Umpired by Nutty Nukes
The Wacky Wasters

Teams Fireballs Netcen Nutters
Result won lost
Full Time Scores 11.5 2
Half Time Scores 5.5 1
No-balls 13 23
No. of players 10 10
Player 1 Marek Rarok 3 Paul Cumine -
Player 2 Richard Guppy - Jenny Thomas -
Player 3 Neil Carr - Alan Collings -
Player 4 Mike Poole 3 Suzannah Grice -
Player 5 Elizabeth Atherton - James Sturman -
Player 6 Paul Holoway 2 Amanda Lucas -
Player 7 Russell Grinham - Brian Stacey -
Player 8 Samantha Gould - Melissa Downes -
Player 9 Samantha King - Steve Telling -
Player 10 Pauline Sitter - Phillip Anthony -